Healing is your (r)evolution.

Transformation and liberation are your birthright.

“We tend to think of healing as something binary: either we’re broken or we’re healed from that brokenness. But that’s not how healing operates, and it’s almost never how human growth works. More often, healing and growth take place on a continuum, with innumerable points between utter brokenness and total health.” -Resmaa Menakem

“There is a poem scratched onto the walls of my throat, no one has heard it, but it is there.” - Kai Cheng Thom

I believe your healing and whole being are sacred.

You deserve to heal at the pace of you.

You are deserving of living in and honoring your truth.

You are deserving of a healing that connects to the wisdom of your culture(s) and lineages.

You are deserving of knowing your own resilience and power.

You are deserving of connection, community, loving and healing relationships.

You are deserving of living delightfully whole in your body.

You are deserving of understanding your inherent gifts, wisdoms, and unique value.

You are deserving of trusting yourself, listening to your inner compass, and your called upon ancestors and guides.

You are deserving of liberation through rest, play, and expressive creation.

You are deserving of embodied healing.

You are deserving of holding joy while you grieve.

You are deserving of deep transformation, in your own vision, as a continuum.

Your sprit deserves to be called back and to discover your querencia.

I honor your courage in being here.